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Peach-faced Lovebird
Agapornis roseicollis

Psittaciforme Order – Psittaculidae Family

Length: 15-18 cm
Weight: 43-63 g

Peach-faced Lovebird is also named Rosy-faced Lovebird.
This species is introduced in Arizona. It is a popular cage bird in the United States, and our population derives from escaped captive stock. Feral birds began to appear around the east part of the Phoenix metropolitan area about 20 years ago, and the population has been building steadily ever since. Our arid environment is very similar to their native habitats in Africa, so they are doing quite well. (By Peter Moulton, author of the pictures taken in Arizona).

Fr: Inséparable rosegorge
All: Rosenköpfchen
Esp: Inseparable de Namibia
Ital: Inseparabile facciarosa
Nd: Perzikkopagapornis
Russe: Краснощёкий неразлучник
Sd: Rosenhuvad dvärgpapegoja


Pete Moulton
Pete Moulton Photography

Callie de Wet
Flickr Galleries

Text by Nicole Bouglouan


HANDBOOK OF THE BIRDS OF THE WORLD vol 4 by Josep del Hoyo-Andrew Elliott-Jordi Sargatal - Lynx Edicions - ISBN: 8487334229

PARROTS OF THE WORLD – An Identification Guide – by Joseph M. Forshaw – Princeton University Press – ISBN 0691092516

Avibase (Lepage Denis)

Arizona Field Ornithologists

Wikipedia (Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia)

Animal Diversity Web (University of Michigan Museum of Zoology)


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Page Psittaciforme Order

Summary cards


Adult male has green upperparts, except on rump and uppertail coverts which are bright blue. Tail is green, but the lateral feathers have black base, orange-red edges and black subterminal band. Flight feathers are tipped-black.

Underparts are paler green from lower breast to undertail coverts. Rectrices and flight feathers are blackish.

On the head, forecrown and rear-eye are red, whereas face, chin, throat and upper breast are reddish-pink.
The hooked bill is horn-coloured. Eyes are dark brown, surrounded by fine whitish eye-ring. Legs and feet are grey.

Both sexes are similar.
Juvenile is duller with greenish forecrown washed reddish-pink. Face to upperbreast is pale pinkish. Bill shows blackish base.

There are two subspecies:
A.r. roseicollis, from Namibia and South Africa, with feral population in Cape Peninsula.
A.r. catumbella, from SW Angola, with feral population in Quiçama National Park (NW Angola).
The race “catumbella” is brighter, with deeper red forecrown and brighter cheeks.

Peach-faced Lovebird utters a shrill, metallic “shreek”, sometimes repeated in quick succession. When alarmed, the bird gives the same call but more rapidly.
Captive birds may perform duets.

Peach-faced Lovebird frequents arid woodland and scrubby hillsides, dry open or mountainous areas, semi-desert scrubland, wooded galleries along watercourses and cultivated areas, never far from water.
This species can be seen up to 1500 metres of elevation.

Peach-faced Lovebird’s native country is Africa, from SW Angola to South Africa.
This species has been introduced in Arizona in the past, and this population is now well established in this arid environment very similar to its native areas. 

Bird of South Africa

Peach-faced Lovebird is very dependent on water. It feeds mainly on seeds and flowers of Albizia, seeds of Acacia, buds and foliage of Euphorbia and several other plants.
This bird feeds on maize and cultivated sunflowers and it is classified as pest in grain fields.

Peach-faced Lovebird form small flocks of up to 20 birds, but if food resources are abundant, flocks of several hundreds are observed, and also at drinking pools.

They are very gregarious and noisy, but also fairly tame. When the birds are disturbed, they fly to the nearest trees on into vegetation, before to return quickly to the food source.

Peach-faced Lovebird roosts communally, often in the large nests of Sociable Weaver, and always near water.

Pair formation can occur at two months of age in this species. The male waits for female acceptation before approaching. She adopts a fluffed posture when she accepts the male.
Male performs courtship feeding with head bobbing to attract females. It also scratches the female’s head, mainly around the bill.
When the male tries to approach a female, its creeps towards her in a sideway fashion named “sidling”. It may try from the other side if she is aggressive.
Peach-faced Lovebirds are monogamous.

Peach-faced Lovebird is resident in its range, but it may perform some dispersion for water.

Peach-faced Lovebird perform swift, direct flight with rapid wing beats. When in flocks, the birds twist and turn in unison when flying through the trees.


Breeding season varies according to the range and the availability of food resources.
Peach-faced Lovebird breeds in cavities such as rock crevices, but they also use the nests of Sociable Weavers and they are also found in buildings and bridges.
The nest is cup-shaped, made with straw and twigs, and some other materials such as strips of bark, leaves and grass.

Female lays 4-6 eggs. Incubation lasts about 23 days, by female alone. She is often fed by the male during this period. Chicks are fed by regurgitation by female, but the male brings the food to her. The nesting period lasts between 5 and 6 weeks, during which both parents feed the young. They fledge about 43 days after hatching.

Peach-faced Lovebird feeds mainly on seeds, flowers, buds and leaves of several plants’ species.

Peach-faced Lovebird is frequently kept as cage bird, and the export of thousands of birds from Angola involved declines in the populations of this country.
However, this species occurs in large flocks of several hundreds at food and water sources.
This species is not threatened at this moment.