Fr: Sarcelle de Campbell
All: Aucklandente
Esp: Cerceta de Campbell
Ita: Anatra della Nuova Zelanda
Nd: Campbelltaling
Sd: Campbellkricka


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HANDBOOK OF THE BIRDS OF THE WORLD vol 1 by Josep del Hoyo-Andrew Elliot-Jordi Sargatal - Lynx Edicions - ISBN: 8487334105

GUIDE DES CANARDS, DES OIES ET DES CYGNES – de Steve Madge - Delachaux et Niestlé - ISBN: 2603013769

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Campbell Teal or Campbell Island Teal
Anas nesiotis

Anseriformes Order – Anatidae Family

The Campbell Teal is endemic to Campbell Islands, New Zealand. Like the Auckland Teal, it does not fly. It disappeared from Campbell Island, killed by the introduced predators and especially the rats. Thanks to captive breeding programs, the small population is increasing slowly by reintroduction of these teals to their native islands.   

Length: 43 cm
Weight: M: 400g – F: 310g

The adult male in breeding plumage has sepia-brown plumage overall, with green iridescence on head, neck and back. The breast is tinged chestnut and the belly is paler brown. We can see a white flank patch, at tail base.
The female is uniformly dark brown with paler belly.
Both sexes have blue-grey bill. The brown eyes are surrounded by conspicuous white eyering. Legs and webbed feet are dark grey.
The juvenile resembles female.
These teals have short wings and do not fly.

The Campbell Teal feeds probably on aquatic invertebrates such as amphipods and insects, but it also takes plant matter. From some observations, it takes seeds from rushes and grass by stripping them with the bill from the stem.
It dabbles and probes in shallow water where for invertebrates.
It often adopts an erect stance with dropping tail.  

It feeds and forages mainly at night along the tidal flats, and rests during the day, in order to avoid the predation by skuas, and especially during the nesting period.  

The Campbell Teal is found on Dent Island, Campbell Island group of New Zealand. It was formerly present on Campbell Island. A small population occurs on Codfish Island, NE Stewart Island.

The Campbell Teal frequents the shorelines where it feeds among rocks and beached algae. It is also visible along muddy streams or pools in wetlands, with dense vegetation such as tussock grass, ferns and megaherbs. 

The breeding season starts in late November on Codfish Island, but the laying usually occurs between October and January.
The nest is on the ground, protected by vegetation.
The female lays 4-5 eggs, and incubates during 30-34 days. The chicks get the adult weigh about 50-60 days after hatching.
The Campbell Teal has been reintroduced to Campbell Island, but this is a very small population of about 100/200 mature individuals, in spite of the released birds after captive breeding program and eradication of Brown rats (Rattus norvegicus). However, these numbers are increasing slowly but the range is restricted. This species is listed as Endangered.   
They are monogamous, and the pair maintains and strongly defends the territory all year round. The Campbell Teal is often in pairs or in small groups.
It does not fly but it is able to run quickly to reach the vegetal cover if disturbed. It remains within its restricted range in which it can feed and breed.
The Campbell Teal has the same voice that the Auckland Teal. The male gives soft trills and piping when alarmed, or during territorial encounters “mmn-yea”.
The female produces low quack and growl during social interactions, and also high-pitched sounds.